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Fiscal Policy, Stabilization, and Growth: Prudence or Abstinence? (Latin American Development Forum)
Luis Serven
Guillermo E. Perry
Rodrigo Suescun
Общественные науки прочие
2.27 Mb
Turmoil in Latin America and the Caribbean: Volatility, Spillovers, and Contagion (World Bank Working Papers)
Guillermo E. Perry
Нефтегазовые технологии
931 Kb
Informality: Exit and Exclusion: Building Effective and Legitimate Institutions (Latin America and Caribbean Studies)
Guillermo E. Perry; Omar Arias; Pablo Fajnzylber
1.50 Mb
Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: proceedings of a conference held in ...
Shahid Javed Burki
Guillermo E. Perry
Sara Calvo
1.40 Mb
Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1998: banks and capital markets : sound financial systems for the 21st century : proceedings of a conference held in San Salvador, El Salvador
Shahid Javed Burki
Guillermo E. Perry
1.55 Mb
Fiscal Policy, Stabilization, and Growth: Prudence or Abstinence? (Latin American Development Forum)
Luis Serven
Guillermo E. Perry
Rodrigo Suescun
2.72 Mb
Chile: Recent Policy Lessons and Emerging Challenges (Wbi Development Studies)
Guillermo Perry
2.39 Mb
Dealing With Public Risk in Private Infrastructure (World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Viewpoints)
Timothy Irwin
Guillermo Perry
879 Kb
Currency boards and external shocks: how much pain, how much gain?
Guillermo Perry
Guillermo Calvo
83 Kb
The long march: a reform agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean in the next decade
Shahid Javed Burki
Guillermo Perry
1.36 Mb
Financial vulnerability, spillover effects, and contagion: lessons from the Asian crises for Latin America
Guillermo Perry
Daniel Lederman
3.26 Mb
Beyond the Washington consensus: institutions matter
Shahid Javed Burki
Guillermo Perry
810 Kb
Beyond the center: decentralizing the State
Shahid Javed Burki
Guillermo Perry
William R. Dillinger
350 Kb
Adjustments after speculative attacks in Latin America and Asia: a tale of two regions?
Guillermo Perry
Daniel Lederman
328 Kb
China's and India's Challenge to Latin America: Opportunity or Threat?
Daniel Lederman
Marcelo Olarreaga
Guillermo E. Perry
4.61 Mb
Poverty Reduction and Growth: Virtuous and Vicious Circles
et al Guillermo E. Perry
Экономика и финансы
4.93 Mb
Turmoil in Latin America and the Caribbean: Volatility, Spillovers, and Contagion
Guillermo E. Perry
931 Kb